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Talks can be downloaded by clicking on the hyperlinked titles below.

Participant Title
Davids Agboola Quasi-exact solvable double Morse potential and proton tunnelling in hydrogen-bonded crystals
Imam Tashdid ul Alam Integrability as a consequence of discrete holomorphicity
Kayed Al Qasemi
Murray Batchelor
Rodney Baxter
Vladimir Bazhanov Is there a hidden 3-dimensional structure in the 2D Hubbard model?
Andrea Bedini Self-avoiding trails with nearest neighbour interactions on the square lattice
Debra Bernhardt Fluctuation relations and the foundations of statistical thermodynamics: a deterministic approach
Andrew Birrell A variational approach for exactly solvable BEC-BCS crossover Hamiltonians
Peter Bouwknegt On the K-theory classification of topological states of matter
Tony Bracken Flux quantization by Bäcklund transformations in a model of electrodiffusion based on Painlevé II
Richard Brak A Bethe Ansatz Constant term solution to Osculating Lattice Paths
Philip Broadbridge Constrained separation of variables in Schroedinger equations via incomplete Stäckel matrices
Joshua Capel Invariant classification of second-order conformally-superintegrable systems
Joseph Chan Hyperbolic Magnetic Monopoles
Nathan Clisby Endless self-avoiding walks
Eduardo Dagrosa
Jan De Gier Random rectangle-triangle tilings and Painleve VI
Youjin Deng Diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulation of the Fermi-Hubbard model
Kathryn Deutscher Unstable Klein-Gordon modes in an accelerating universe
Norman Do
Paul Fendley Topological order in spin systems
Paul Fijn Endings and beginnings: The story of non-intersecting paths
Caley Finn A domain wall theory for the prioritising exclusion process
Peter Forrester Some themes in random matrix theory
Joerg Frauendiener Numerical space-times near space-like and null infinity
David Gao Complete solutions to a class of nonconvex variational/boundary value problems with applications in phase transitions of solids
Tim Garoni Novel Phase Transitions in XY Antiferromagnets on Plane Triangulations
Joel Gill
Mark Gould
Xiwen Guan Quantum critical phenomena in one dimension
Tony Guttmann Self-avoiding walks in a rectangle
Jarmo Hietarinta Integrable dynamics: practical applications and abstract theory
Yi Huang Phants and surfaces
Philip Isaac On highest weight representations of conformal Galilei algebras
Masahiko Ito A multi-dimensional 1ψ1 sum and some related topics
Peter Jarvis Algebraic structures from group character rings - an integrable model perspective
Iwan Jensen Perimeter polynomials and scaling analysis for percolation problems
Nalini Joshi
Arwin Kahlon
Andrew Kels Quasi-Classical Expansion of the Star-Triangle Relation
Goli Habibi Kenari
Jonathan Kress Superintegrability in a non-conformally-flat space
Sergei Kuzenko Anti-de Sitter supersymmetry and hyperkahler geometry
Alex Lee Boundary conditions of discretely holomorphic observables and integrable loop models
Oliver Leigh Generalised Hurwitz numbers and topological recursion
Jon Links
Heather Lonsdale
Inna Lukyanenko Internal Time and Quantum Action Principle in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Vladimir Mangazeev Elliptic parametrization of the Zamolodchikov model
Ian Marquette Generalised Heine-Stieltjes and Van Vleck polynomials associated with integrable BCS models
Dan Mathews Some field-theoretic ideas out of contact geometry and elementary topology
Amir Moghaddam A Non–Hermitian BCS Hamiltonian and Generalised Exclusion Statistics
Alexander Molev Feigin-Frenkel center and Yangian characters
Alexi Morin-Duchesne The Jordan structure of periodic loop models
Paul Norbury Eynard-Orantin invariants and Frobenius manifolds
Andrei Okounkov Quantum integrable systems and curve counting
Todd Oliynyk The dynamics of compact bodies in General Relativity: recent progress and open problems
Adam Ong
Chris Ormerod Lax representations of reductions of non-autonomous lattice equations
Aleks Owczarek Non D-finite exact solution of a walk problem that breaks the Lindstrom-Gessel-Viennot Lemma
Paul Pearce Boundary Conditions for Infinitely Extended Kac Table of Critical Dense Polymers
Reinout Quispel Is Kahan's 'unconventional' method conventional?
Jorgen Rasmussen How to arrange dominoes using quantum numbers
David Ridout Modular invariance and Conformal Field Theory
Vladimir Rittenberg From conformal invariance to quasistationary states
Ning Ruan A new look at nonlinear dynamical systems
Daniel Schepisi
John Schutz
Katherine Seaton Solvable off-critical logarithmic models
Rami Tabbara Exact solution of a simple adsorption model of de-naturating DNA
Elena Tartaglia Logarithmic superconformal minimal models
Maria Tsarenko An integrable tiling model
Arkady Tseytlin Spectrum of states in gauge-string duality
Craig Westerland
Ben Whale Exploring the corner: Numerical evolution of Spin-2 fields at space-like infinity in Minkowski space-time
Zongzheng Zhou Crossover from isotropic to directed percolation