Videos and images of SAW
I've made some high resolution videos on YouTube of self-avoiding walks with 100 million steps on the square lattice (YouTube link) and simple cubic lattice (YouTube link, embedded below). Both videos look much better in HD, so choose the highest resolution your screen and internet connection will support.
Here are some high resolution 2560x1440 anaglyph (red-blue) 3d videos of walks with 200 million steps: square lattice (100MB) and simple cubic lattice (403MB). To enjoy them you will need to wear red-blue anaglyph glasses, which can be purchased from ebay for a dollar or two. Through the magic of Google Drive these videos can be viewed in your browser as well as downloaded.
Various images of self-avoiding walks available in a Google Drive collection here. I have a few other images floating around.
Zoomable high resolution images of self-avoiding walks in 2, 3, and 4 dimensions available in my Gigapan self-avoiding walk gallery. The 2d walks are very sparse which makes them hard to see. One future project I have in mind is to create a javascript or Processing tool for viewing fractal images which overcomes this problem.
Video of a self-avoiding walk with 100 million steps on the
simple cubic lattice.